Flooring Services
Whatever type of flooring you might be looking forward for to install at your space, whether it may be vinyl (or) marble flooring (or) any other kind of flooring, we at TriShades are there to cater to your needs. We have got a team of skilled flooring specialists, who have got an eon of experience in taking up flooring works, and executing the entire activity with technical finesse.
TriShades has got an in-house team as well as a team of contractors, who have got the required amount of expertise in dealing with a range of flooring services. Depending upon your pertinent needs; we will arrange you with the required staff, which will complete the entire flooring activity in the required timeframe without compromising on the Quality aspect. Whatever type of flooring you might be looking forward for, TriShades will satisfy you in terms of providing you the right kind of service and that too within a reasonable budget.

Furniture Fabrication
Furniture fabrication requires a certain kind of expertise. At TriShades, we procure the best quality raw materials and gradually transform those very raw materials into stunning furniture based products. These tailor made furniture items are not only stunning to look at, but at the same time has got a perfect blend of design and quality. Our team consists of skilled carpenters, artisans, spray painters etc., who are devoted to fulfill client’s needs and provide them with the best possible outcome that matches with their particular business.
Whatever the type of retail outlet you operate from, we at TriShades have got the required expertise in carrying out the entire furniture fabrication activity all by itself. Depending upon your business type, we will help you in drafting a plan. Either we give away the best quality raw materials to your concerned team, or else our team will prepare a blueprint. Once the blueprint is accepted by the client, then after we initiate the work.
We have our own personalized approach for a smooth functioning of the entire process of furniture fabrication right from conceptualization all the way up to manufacturing the end product. Timeframe is another important key aspect, as we see to that at any cost the entire work is carried out in the specified timeline.
Ceiling Services
Whether it may be installation of fans, lights, chandeliers, pendant or track lighting or for that matter any kind of ceiling service, TriShades is there to provide the most affordable ceiling services to our worthy clients. We even undertake ceiling panel installation and false ceiling services.
- TriShades uses regular components in order to ensure a perfectly planned custom look.
- A well structured activity carried out across the entire ceiling, which includes setting up light fixtures, air diffusers etc.
- All our components are incorporated as per the standard TriShades Systems, wherein pre-defined processes and standards are drafted. As per the need, even modifications might take place.
- All the processes are foolproof to ensure seamless installation and functionality.
We have a track record of executing ceiling services for our clients flawlessly, thereby ensuring that the quality of our services are not compromised at any cost. Our team will look after the entire installation and repairs part.
We at TriShades undertake services pertaining to fiberglass ceilings, metal ceilings, wood ceilings, translucent ceilings, or for that matter any other type of Ceiling. We are there to look into your precise needs and come out with trustworthy and qualitative outcome.

Electrical Services
TriShades has a separate team of Senior and Junior Technicians who have got the qualification coupled with the required expertise to carry out the entire electrical works pertaining to the domain of interior designing. All the electrical works are carried out with utmost safety and standard guidelines. Our team has been successful in executing various electrical works for our client’s with highest care and commitment.
Some of the electrical services that we provide are as follows:
- Electrical installations and repair
- External and Internal lighting
- Managing the cables used for efficient distribution of electricity.
- Electric heating and complete wiring works
- Installing the electrical circuits as and when required
- Basic electrical repairs.
- All the troubleshooting related to electrical issues
- Replacement of outlets as and when required.
Apart from the above mentioned services, there are other relevant electrical services as well, which we undertake, depending upon client’s specific requirements.
HVAC Services
TriShades provides exclusive HVAC (Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning) services to our customers. At TriShades, we provide reliable repair as well as maintenance works pertaining to HVAC. Right from equipment installations all the way up to maintaining it for a longer period of time, thereby providing hassle-free services to our worthy clients.
We have always strived to provide the right ‘value’ by providing the best of service to our customers and that too at a reasonable budget. Reputation is something which is very important for us, and hence reputation management is a key component of our business.Clients have to just provide us the initial information relating to the number of HVAC systems that have to be installed along with the particular locations. Then after, our team of HVAC Technicians will take up the entire responsibility right from smooth installation all the way up to maintaining the systems. Not to mention the repairs that goes along with the above mentioned services.
Our team of HVAC Technicians has carried out numerous installations with panache and commitment, and so you do not have to worry about the quality of service that we provide. Post installation support will be duly provided as and when required. You can expect a smooth flow of functionality without any difficulty whatsoever. Regular cleaning as mentioned in the agreement will take place.We believe in solving the HVAC issues, so that you wouldn’t have to tolerate the technical issues that might arise. Our team of technicians will solve all the related technical related concerns in an amicable manner and that too within the required timeframe.

Design. Build. Better.