Design Services

2D Services

You will be able to view the entire design from a 2D (two-dimensional) perspective, with of course by the continual support from our 2D Designers. We will build 2D Design based precisely upon your requirements.

3D Services

Coming to 3D (three dimensional) Services, it provides you with a holistic layout, wherein you will be able to view the interior designs from almost all angles. At TriShades, our 3D Specialists will develop client-specific designs, the outcome of which will be phenomenal.      

Material Services

Using the right materials is one of the key points in ascertaining the level of success for a well-defined interior design. Material selection and usage is something which requires a certain level of expertise otherwise the aesthetics of the entire design can be tampered with.         

design Serives TriShades



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Design Services


Planning to Design/ Re-design your Space Interiors?